
Dr. Thilo Wellmann
Thilo Wellmann focuses on the integration of remote sensing technology into the applied fields of urban ecology and urban planning. He works at the Lab for Landscape Ecology (HU-Berlin, Germany). Thilo was awarded with scholarships by the DBU (German Federal Environmental Foundation) and by the Humboldt’s excellence initiative as well as with the 2020 Research price by the BUND for outstanding research in the theme of sustainability. View full CV here.

Prof. Dagmar Haase
Dagmar Haase’s main interest and activities are settled in the combination and integration of land-use change modelling and the quantification and assessment of ecosystem services, disservices and socio-environmental justice issues in cities and urban areas including land teleconnections. Dagmar works on different spatial scales, from the global to the local – neighbourhood – scale and holds a Professorship for Landscape Ecology at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

Prof. Erik Andersson
Erik Andersson studies how ecological conditions and processes together with governance and human perceptions and values shape multifunctionality and how we understand and appreciate nature. Erik is interested in how the two-way exchange between people and the environment manifest at different scales, across different context and under pressure from various drivers of change. Erik is an associate Professor working at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden, and the North-West University, South Africa.

M. Sc. Roland Kraemer
Roland Kraemer currently works as a PhD candidate in Nadja Kabisch´ lab of ‘Urban Ecosystems, Health and Environmental Justice’ at HU Berlin, Germany. In his research, he mainly applies geo-informatics, spatial statistics and several sensor-based approaches, from remote sensing to in-situ measurements. As a geographer, Roland aims to combine the natural and social sciences through suitable frameworks and concepts such as ecosystem services.

Dr. Chiara Cortinovis
Chiara Cortinovis works at the University of Lund, Sweden, studying the interface between urban planning and ecology to understand how nature contributes to make our cities healthy, liveable, and resilient to climate change. Through an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented approach, she studies the relation between urbanisation patterns, presence of nature, and well-being, with the overall aim of supporting better planning and management decisions. Chiara has experience both as researcher and as planning consultant for public administrations.

Dr. Peleg Kremer
Peleg Kremer is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography & the Environment at Villanova University, USA. Research in Dr. Kremer’s lab focus on spatial patterns in social-ecological systems and urban sustainability. Using interdisciplinary approaches to spatial analysis, GIS and remote sensing Dr. Kremer’s lab investigates: 1. Mapping and modelling ecosystem service in social-ecological urban systems; 2. Structure of urban Landscapes and environmental Function; 3. Transformation of urban vacant land into public use resource; 4. Urban food systems. Dr. Kremer teaches undergraduate and graduate introductory courses in Geographic Information Systems as well as courses on urban sustainability and the built environment. She holds a PhD in Energy and Environmental Policy from the University of Delaware.

Dr. André Mascarenhas
André Mascarenhas is a post-doc researcher working with the Lab of Landscape Ecology, in the Geography Department of the Humboldt University and with the Science in Society Department at the Natural History Museum, both in Berlin, Germany. He’s interested on human-nature interactions under a spatial planning lens, sustainability assessment and the role of indicators in supporting it, the science-policy interface and transdisciplinary research mainly in the biodiversity and ecosystem services domains. He draws on approaches and methods from different disciplines for researching those topics.